In sound mind game
In sound mind game

If the man on the phone is to be believed, this isn't the only time Desmond's advice backfired. Virginia goes through a nervous breakdown that culminates in her killing herself with the shard of a broken mirror. Gone Horribly Wrong: Desmond advises Virginia to work through her social anxiety by shopping at Homa-Mart as a form of "exposure therapy".The exception is Desmond, ironically, as you can get a picture of him from a photo booth at Homa Mart. The Faceless: Almost every human character is this, due to being either dead or mutated by the time the game happens.Enemy Within: Agent Rainbow is this for Desmond, as the personification of the chemical strengthening his insecurities.On top of being in the middle of a flooded city, it somehow gives him access to his former paients' apartments, despite none of them actually living there. Eldritch Location: Desmond's apartment building.This stems from an accident in her childhood that ended up permanently scarring her face, leaving her with crippling social anxiety. Don't Look At Me: Virginia does not like people looking at her, to the point that the Watcher, her ghost form, will attempt to outright murder Desmond if she catches him looking at her.Dead All Along: Tonia, Desmond's cat, was killed long before the game's events from exposure to Agent Rainbow.Cute Ghost Girl: Despite her scars and clear desire to not be seen, Virginia is quite easy on the eyes when her mask breaks off and she stops trying to kill you.A work van officially belonging to the hospital in Tape 4 confirms the reference -complete with teleporting mannequin.

in sound mind game

  • Creator In-Joke: After suffering near-fatal burns, Allen Shore is admitted to Never Lose Hope Hospital.
  • in sound mind game

    The main reason being exposure to a dangerous chemical that exacerbates their existing mental illnesses into outright instability. However, they are all portrayed sympathetically and have legitimate reasons for being the way they are.

    #In sound mind game full

    Cast Full of Crazy: Perhaps unsurprising for a game starring a therapist, almost every character in the game has some sort of mental issue, including Desmond himself.

    In sound mind game